The Real Teacher is Life Itself

In our Article Series from Simple Talks on the Science of Thought, Hamblin reminds us that our capacity to think is a spiritual power… and that whatever life may present to us can be a teaching, teacher and an initiation in and of itself.

Thought is a spiritual power. By thought, man can either raise himself up and connect himself with the “Powerhouse” of the Universe or cut himself off entirely from the Divine Inflow. All thinking that is not in harmony with Eternal and Absolute Truth finds expression in our life in disorder of various kinds such as loss, lack, illness, unhappiness, discord and misery of various kinds.

Thought is the ladder between earth and heaven (spiritual consciousness) and we possess the power of choice as to which thoughts we shall think. We have been given free will, and we have to make our choice.

We can, if we will, think of heavenly things, or we can think of debasing things. The former draws us nearer and nearer to our Divine Centre, the realm of harmony, good, and every happiness.

Whatever may be the cause of the experiences of life, be they light or dark, they are in fact a great privilege. We should work through them and learn as much as possible from them, they give us not only the opportunity to grow, but the opportunity to find God in every event and circumstance.

The most ordinary experiences become spiritual initiations.

Simple Talks on The Science of Thought
by HT Hamblin

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