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Our Latest Free PDF Articles

  • Do You Know?

    That there is only one Universal Life, and this is Good? That there is only one Power in the universe, and this is Good?

    That there is only one Purpose in the universe, and this, too, is Good? That there is one great Law governing all, and this is Love? That there is no evil in the Cosmic Scheme and the Divine Purpose is infinitely kind and just?

  • A Meditation on Health

    Restfully and peacefully, I repose in the truth of the above words. I lay aside all care and anxiety, I keep outside of my mind all thoughts that are not of a Divine nature, I rest entirely in the love of God. Slowly and quietly, I repeat the words:

    There is a Divine Power within me that makes and keeps me perfectly whole.

  • Divine Care

    Everything that man needs, both spiritually and temporarily, has been provided for him from before the foundation of the world. The divine purpose concerning each one of us is not penury, lack, disaster and disorder, but sufficiency, harmony, order and every possible form of good. If we think otherwise this in itself is sufficient to separate us from the good which God has designed for us.ption goes here

  • Divine Bounty

    The love of God never forsakes us. God in his/her grace and mercy waits to bestow upon us the riches of  divine bounty, but does not force them upon us. Instead, we are told to ask and receive, that our joy may be full. The promise does not say that our joy will be partial, but that it shall be full. The promise is unrestricted: it sets no bounds or limits to our joy and satisfaction.cription goes here

  • Thought Transmutation

    Because thought and emotion are the cause and mainspring of all action, and as our actions either make or mar our life, it is of importance that we learn how to control our thoughts and emotions, so that only right and constructive action can result.

  • How to Win the Peace

    Many people may have felt under a dark cloud and have been oppressed by a sense of impending and inescapable evil. In spite of all their efforts they may have been unable to escape from it or rise above it. Now is the time to consecrate ourselves anew to God and to vow, henceforth, to serve God fully and completely, and self not at all.

  • The Secret of a Steadfast Mind

    In the midst of great and rapid changes, in uncertainties, and in face of threatened calamities, both personal and national, or even world-wide, we can abide in perfect peace, if our mind is stayed upon our Infinite Source.

  • The Joy of the Present Moment

    Noel Raine, Chair of The Hamblin Trust, explores how the teachings of HT Hamblin can deepen and enrich our whole lives,
    when we allow divine presence to inform our growth as unique individuals.

  • True Peace

    In the midst of turmoil and strife, and the rapid arming of the nations, let us turn aside to findthe true peace of God.

    This is no false peace - it is not a foolish hiding of one’s head, ostrich-like, in the sand, or a still more foolish assertion that there is peace when there is not - but is an interior order and harmony which are an eternal reality.

  • True Silence

    The true silence is positive, real and substantial. It is not a mere absence of noise but is something in itself.

    True silence is the presence of God, realised. Noise and uproar are the opposite of this – they are the absence of the true silence, which is the presence of God, realised in the soul.

12 articles based on HT Hamblin’s
Simple Talks on Science of Thought series

  • A Way to Health, Harmony & Joy

    No. 1 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    The idea behind life is harmony. What is termed ‘Science of Thought’ is based on the ancient truth that an interior harmony and order exists, that it is ever present, and that it is the eternal, unchanging reality.

  • getting to the cause of things

    Getting to the Cause of Things

    No.2 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    Instead of tinkering about with effects, we must get back to the cause. If our life is wrong, we must seek the cause of our disharmony, and, better still, the source of life itself.

  • Start at the Centre

    No.3 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    We do not have to create order; we have only to get into harmony with that which already is, always has been, and forever will be. In other words, we have to get back to our centre, and get into harmony with that perfect and beautiful order, which is reality.

  • The Inner Secret of Life

    No. 4 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    The inner secret is that there is only one life, one law, one principle. One life, the life of God. One law, the law of love. One principle, the principle of good.

  • The Law of Attraction

    No.5 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    The law of attraction, like all laws, is constantly in operation. By the Law of Association good thoughts are connected together; and, by the same law, bad and negative thoughts are also connected together.

  • Making Contact With Our Inexhaustible Source

    No.6 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    The invisible spirit all around us is the only true substance. From this substance all things that appear have their origin. Everything comes originally from Spirit, the creative substance which takes form according to thought.

  • Abiding in Perfect Health

    No.7 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    Health is inherent. It is as natural to be healthy as it is to breathe. We cannot become perpetually healthy by mental strain and effort, but only by abiding, or resting comfortably, in the health and wholeness that are inherent.

  • True and Lasting Success

    No.8 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    In the real world of the Divine Order there neither is, nor can be, any failure. All is success. A successful life may be described as one in which the greatest amount of harmony is expressed. It is not given to all of us to be either great, rich, or famous. Most of us would rather not be either. But each in our own way may be successful.

  • Our Heritage of Abundance

    No.9 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    We each express the life of the Infinite. It is as though each one of us were the channel of a stream of life-energy. This energy is essentially good, but it becomes expressed in the form of our thoughts. When we make contact with the higher spiritual plane (refusing to acknowledge material limitations) higher laws are brought into action and the seemingly impossible comes to pass.

  • Divine Protection

    No.10 in a series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    It is necessary for us continually to live in the consciousness of the divine protection. How? By turning the thoughts Godwards. Thought is the ladder between earth and heaven. The thoughts can be directed into right channels by the use of statements of truth. By continually declaring the truth, the thoughts are encouraged to flow in this direction.

  • Good is Inherent

    No.11 in a series baed on Ht Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    Good is inherent and is always striving to find expression. Divine Order is inherent and is
    forever seeking to manifest. As soon as we co-operate and allow Good and Divine Order to appear, things begin to fall into their proper place, although it may take some time for a state of order to appear visibly.

  • The Path of Overcoming

    No.12 is the final article of this series based on HT Hamblin’s Simple Talks on Science of Thought.

    By guiding our thoughts towards reality and the infinitely perfect, contemplating eternal things, developing a true spiritual vision in place of the distorted vision due to ignorance of truth, constantly directing the attention away from our limitations and difficulties to our Divine Source, the life becomes transformed.

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The aim is to bring the teachings of Henry Thomas Hamblin, mystic and successful businessman who was at the forefront of the ‘New Thought’ movement, to a wider audience.

We sincerely hope that some of the simple but profound insights contained in these leaflets will be of benefit to each person who is seeking greater health, happiness and prosperity. The timeless insights and principles contained in his teachings remain as valid now as they were when they were reaching his thousands of followers around the world until his death in 1958.  

If you appreciate receiving this free information on HT Hamblin’s simple yet practical teachings, please consider making a small donation. Donations of any amount are always deeply appreciated and help us maintain this and similar services in the future.

Click here for further information about HT Hamblin and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any enquiries at:


The Hamblin Trust is offering a series of free educational PDFs based on HT Hamblin’s teachings on the Science of Thought for you to download, completely free of charge.