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Wim Hof Cold Water Experience

BE QUICK! Limited places left…

Join us all (already x 10 booked) for the  WIM HOF - COLD WATER & ICE EXPERIENCE Helps tackle Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases… you will never look back once this becomes part of your life and a ‘Way of Being’ 

Join Nick Bullman, Wim Hof Instructor at the Hamblin Centre, in Bosham, near Chichester, for an experience you will never forget! 

Sunday 11 September, 9.30am for a 10am start till 4-4.30pm.

Please share this page, as this cold water treatment therapy can help so many chronic illnesses and mental health issues, that many of us are struggling with right now.

Here’s the link to book the day. It would be wonderful if you could join us…

If you are on Facebook….

Here is a summary: 

A full day’s adventure to clear your mind & body using cold water exposure. BBC iPlayer is still showing Wim Hof’s (Ice-Man) cold water exposure on ‘Freeze The Fear’, with participants actively participating in the cold water exposure and using his unique breathing techniques to release so much that we’re holding on to, in some cases, for many years.

Both the cold water and the breathing techniques are both so incredibly beneficial to our mental and physical well-being - especially in eradicating inflammation in the body that causes so many chronic pain disorders in later life, as well as lifting our moods and catapult serotonin levels massively to higher heights! 

 Whole Day Experience: 

£98 (€115) per person

 Nick Bullman is a Wim Hof Method Level II Certified Instructor, Intermittent Fasting Coach, Hatha Yoga Qualified Instructor, Mindfulness and Meditation Courses and he will be taking us through the day’s experience.

Learn more about Nick and to book your place on this very special day in beautiful surroundings, please click this Wim Hof Link below.

 You can book your place HERE👆 just click on the link above. It’s €115/£95 for the day, including the option of a light soup lunch (tbc) and refreshments) 

Watch this very short video for a taster of the cold water experience!

Friendly disclaimer: The Hamblin Trust is unable to endorse any particular teacher, practitioner, therapist or speaker who practises, advertises or runs an event here. This is a matter for each individual to assess and take further if they wish.



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