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Annual Membership of the Hamblin Trust

Benefits of membership:

  • A discount on online events, workshops and courses.

  • Early-bird booking access for popular live events.

  • Hamblin Vision Membership Magazine. You can choose to receive this as a quarterly printed booklet, as well as having an inspirational article emailed to you once a fortnight with a free recorded meditation.

  • Optional newsletter subscription to keep you updated with what’s on.

The Hamblin Trust is a spiritual and educational charity whose purpose is to further the legacy of spiritual teacher Henry Thomas Hamblin.

  • Are you interested in helping to create a more peaceful world?

  • Would you like to better integrate spirituality into your everyday life?

  • Would you like to learn more about the power of thought?

  • Could you benefit from regular meditation, both recorded and live?

If your answer is yes, please consider joining The Hamblin Trust as a member to support our work.

£30 per annum


£40 per annum
Joint membership

Individual Membership
Joint Membership

Would you like to spread the cost of membership evenly from just £3 per month? Please download and fill in our monthly standing order form by clicking on the green button below. 

Membership by annual standing order is also available. Please download and fill in our annual standing order form by click on the green button below.

Already a Member?

If you are already a member and would like to renew your membership, click on the green button to renew now!

Membership Renewal
from £30.00