An informal exploration and practice of meditation techniques to improve our lives, with meditation teacher, spiritual life coach and Reiki Master Anthony Oyo. This workshop takes place at the Hamblin Centre, Main Road, Bosham, West Sussex, PO18 8PJ TEL: 01243 572109.
COST – £15.00/person
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“Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.” Swami Muktananda
Anthony Oyo
Meditation is described in multiple ways and is an ancient practice which, in its simplest form, gives us the ability to be still for a while and the potential to improve our lives. Many see this potential but report challenges with meditating and in particular quietening the “mind clutter” of everyday life, and so either do not attempt the practice or give up to soon, before realizing any benefits.
This 2-hour workshop will explore the history of meditation and its benefits for all aspects of life. The particular focus will be to practise meditation, and for you to take away some techniques to try at home, on your own or with family and friends. We will focus on how to reduce and manage the “mind clutter”, rather than trying to remove it completely. No previous experience is needed, just an open mind. Please note that cross-legged sitting on the floor is entirely optional. Chairs will be provided, but if you want to bring a mat and cushions for your added comfort then please feel free to do so. The atmosphere is informal. The aim is to understand meditation techniques and have a go, not to suffer in discomfort.
Anthony has been working with the Hamblin Trust for over 2 years , and as a Reiki Healer and Teacher and Spiritual Life Coach, he focuses on Practical Spirituality, i.e. developing and teaching very real techniques for combining our spiritual interests with the challenges of everyday life, e.g. Meditation. Anthony began exploring meditation over 30 years ago, with a few challenges at the start, but now believes that the power of Meditation is the key to creating improved lives and bring genuine and needed relaxation and positive reflection into our everyday lives.
Why you should attend this face-to-face Meditation workshop:
· You have never tried Meditation and are interested
· You tried before but gave up
· You have a Meditation practice and would like to know more.
Friendly disclaimer: The Hamblin Trust is unable to endorse any particular teacher, practitioner, therapist or speaker who practises, advertises or runs an event here. This is a matter for each individual to assess and take further if they wish.