Twelve tools to raise the vibration of your consciousness, find your purpose and embrace your spiritual aspirations - with Anthony Oyo
Anthony Oyo
30 years after his own spiritual awakening, Anthony felt drawn to create a guide book to achieving your spiritual aspirations, whilst dealing with the real challenges of everyday life, families, work, finances, society and a variety of other factors.
Do you know intuitively that there is ‘something else’ to life but have struggled to bring it into reality?
If you have the sense that you have a life purpose beyond your everyday routines and responsibilities, but feel challenged to find out what it might be, Anthony offers an array of concepts, perspectives and tools to help you do just that.
In this interactive online talk, Anthony will discuss some of the ideas in his new book Practical Spirituality - A Guide, including:
Techniques to look inside for guidance
Tapping into the support we have around us for our human experience journeys.
Guidance on how we can do this while taking care of our families and daily responsibilities.
12 practical ways to pursue the development of your spiritual being while remaining engaged with everyday life.
The creation of the book is a story in its own right, as it evolved over of 3 years, with “gentle” guidance from spirit and a few timely synchronicities, through the appearance of the right people and ideas at the right time, that led finally to the birth of “Practical Spirituality – A Guide: Twelve tools to raise the vibration of your consciousness, find your purpose and embrace your spiritual aspirations – without living in a cave”.
Anthony was blessed to find an additional 11 wonderful souls, ordinary “extraordinary” people, willing to share their own practical spirituality journeys, through this book. Anthony will share his ideas on achieving practical spirituality, as well as some of the experiences of the contributing authors. He will also share the learning experience from the creation of the book.
There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and answers with Anthony.