Practical Spirituality
In his book, Divine Adjustment, HT Hamblin wrote: “Words possess power, and because of this, we should be careful as to which words we use, and in what way we use them.” He went on to say,
“…if positive words are used systematically and intelligently, they enable us to rise, through their inherent power, out of the slough of failure, depression, and despair to a state of mind and will that make victory, overcoming and achievement possible”.
Similarly, unconsciously focusing on more weak and futile thoughts will have a negative and damaging effect on our lives.
It seems logical therefore that, to make yourself feel better or to bring some positive benefit into your life, all you need to do is to merely say the opposite of the negative thoughts or statements. For example, instead of saying “I don’t feel very well” or “I hate this job”, one could merely say “I feel very well” or “I love this job”.
Hamblin cautions against this approach, as the statement is clearly not true and it causes what Hamblin refers to as ‘reversed suggestion’. This occurs when the subconscious mind refuses to accept the suggestion and it therefore offers no benefit at all or produces the opposite of what is desired.
In Divine Adjustment, Hamblin refers to other ways that have been used to express the positive statements that may be less unacceptable to the subconscious but then goes on to offer his own suggestion that is both easy and effective: simply to repeat the words which express or describe the desired condition without any prefix representing the person using it. For example, repeating the words Life, Health, Wholeness, Joy, Happiness etc, without the prefix ‘I am’ or ‘I have’.
“Words appear to possess a power or vibration of their own, a power that differs according to their quality or character. Thus, positive words have the ability to awaken in us feelings and powers akin to themselves”. ~ HT Hamblin.
Hamblin goes on to say that we can easily prove this for ourselves by using the relevant words: courage, strength, hope, faith, victory, overcoming, joy, happiness etc, and that we would find that there is something within us that responds to the power and vibration of the words uttered.
Ideally, the words should be stated in a positive and spiritually infused manner, but the key thing is to use them. Don’t wait until you feel stronger, say them every day, as often as you can.
In his book, My Search for Truth, when Hamblin was describing how he managed some of his own troubles, he would: “…take a deep breath and say Health, success, happiness and joy.” He would do this every time he needed strength to raise himself up out of his low state of mind, stating again that such words have power, that they represent, or stand for, real potencies and powers in the Invisible.
In Divine Adjustment, Hamblin states that “God wants us to use the power of the spoken word to bring about conditions of harmony and peace”. He was not referring to use just for ourselves, but wherever harmony needs to be re-established. In a very inspiring passage, he made this statement:
“Whenever our Lord saw disharmony, he rebuked it. When he met those who were diseased or afflicted, He commanded them to be made whole. Even those who were dead he raised to life by the power of his spoken word.” ~ HT Hamblin.
It could be argued that the above is no evidence of the power of the spoken word because Jesus, unlike the average person, was filled with spiritual power. That is true, of course, but it was through the spoken word that he gave expression to the power within him.
“When we use the spoken word, we must remember that it is not our power that is being used, but it is the power of Truth contained in the word of Truth that is being brought into action. Truth possesses the power to manifest itself, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. Truth is omnipotent and needs only to be expressed in the form of the spoken word, in faith. When this is done it manifests its power in the form of order, harmony, wholeness and peace”. ~ HT Hamblin.
This is typical Hamblin, powerful truths explained in simple language, so simple that it is easy to miss the profound guidance being offered. Hamblin was a practical mystic, he did not want to offer learned treatises on the spiritual life but to make available simple truths which, when applied, would help each of us to discover a more spiritual and, thus, a more harmonious life. He would not have wanted us to read this and move on, he would want us to read this and do it. Practical spirituality requires action, not reading.
The title of this article is Just Three Words. This is to recognise another statement of Hamblin’s in his book, The Power of Thought, in which he wrote:
“There are three emotional states that rob us of health. They are:
1. Sensuality
2. Resentment
3. Anxiety.
They can be overcome or neutralised by thinking thoughts of:
1. Purity
2. Goodwill (including forgiveness and seeing the other’s point of view)
3. Rest”.
As Hamblin considers these to be so fundamental, it seems sensible to use them as the basis for our first attempt at the practical application of Hamblin’s teaching. So let us start our journey with the words:
Purity ~ Goodwill ~ Rest
We could, of course, use any combination of others but there is some prior logic to this grouping if you are struggling with a health issue.
The other reason that using three words seems appropriate is due to the power of three. This is not one of Hamblin’s teachings as far as I am aware, but the number three is generally understood to indicate completeness and, of course, by way of established use, words or instructions are often repeated three times in the Bible. It is also quite prominent in the teachings of some spiritual and esoteric organisations, often manifesting in the use of triangles as powerful symbols or as a means of world service.
Other combinations could include:
Other words could include: Justice, Wisdom, Beauty, Supply, Endurance, Peace, Compassion, and Humility. There will be many others that you might wish to use for your own personal circumstances.
Actions for you:
Work out which three words you could use that are right for your needs.
Write or type them out (preferably in capitals) and place them around your living area where you will see them regularly.
Recognise that the words contain the power of Truth.
Say them regularly, with positive power, a number of times each day.
Give thanks for the new energy these words are generating within you and around you.
If you are fortunate enough not to need this form of spiritual support to help you move forward, you could always consider using it as a means of world service. As each of us is constantly adding to the pool of the world’s collective consciousness with our thoughts, we can choose to work with others of like mind to add more positive and spiritual thoughts help raise the planetary consciousness.
For example, you could use the words: PEACE – TOLERANCE – ONENESS. Alternatively, you could select your own words that would be more comfortable for you.
We hope that you will enjoy using this simple application of Hamblin’s teaching and would be very happy to hear from you if you wish to share your experiences.
Love and blessings,
Noel Raine, Chair of the Hamblin Trust