Seasonal Meditations

A meditation designed for the changing of the seasons from summer to autumn. The love of autumn can link us with the love and light of life.

A guided meditation on letting go. Letting go of something that has served its purpose can also open up the beginning of something new.

A meditation for the turning of the seasons from winter to spring - the spring equinox, when day and night are of almost equal length. You will be gently guided to reflect on the long days of the winter just past and look forward to the new growth and beginnings that each spring brings. The spring equinox is traditionally seen as a time of rebirth.

This guided sound meditation and visualization uses the sacred ancient Celtic sites such as Newgrange in Ireland as inspiration and focus for a joyful celebration of Litha, the summer solstice. Midsummer is the turning point of the wheel of life and love, when the energy, abundance and promise of the earth is at its most expansive.

There is a sounding section, including evocative instruments such as Tibetan bowls, conch shell, flute and shamanic drum, as well as a vocal "Aum", which you are invited to join in with either audibly or silently.

A Celtic-themed visualization which takes you on an imaginary journey to Orkney in Scotland for a Winter Solstice gathering. Includes the atmospheric use of sounding instruments such as flute and some drumming sections.

In this most magical time of year, as the nights grow ever longer leading up to the Winter Solstice, enjoy a short but profoundly relaxing seasonal meditation.

A special Christmas meditation with Noel Raine, chair of the Hamblin Trust. Make contact with your inner stillness and enjoy a few moments of silent communion.

A seasonal meditation, particularly suited to the Christmas period. Looking at stars in the night sky can help us contact deep inner peace and love.


Sacred Places Meditations