The Hamblin Spiritual Wisdom Course

The Hamblin Vision is offering Henry Thomas Hamblin’s entire 26-lesson Spiritual Course, modernised and updated for today’s audience.

The course is formed of 11 videos with accompanying notes. The videos are edited recordings of sessions (originally held live on Zoom), facilitated by Astra Ferro.

You will have lifetime, unlimited access to the videos on this course. You can revisit and repeat the lessons as often as you wish.

About Henry Thomas Hamblin's spiritual course:
HT Hamblin wrote the spiritual course in the 1920s and distributed it to an international subscriber base as a successful correspondence course.  Now, with digital technology, we can replicate HT Hamblin’s intention to reach as wide an audience as possible, unlimited by geographical boundaries.

The 26 lessons were later collated into the book The Way of The Practical Mystic, which forms the basis of study for the online course, and is included free of charge in the course fee (normally £13.99).

Astra brings HT Hamblin’s message across in today’s parlance, illustrating its vital relevance today, 100 years on. The wisdom contained in the lessons is timeless,  relating to universal truths.

HT Hamblin believed that, “most people make more progress through the medium of a course of lessons than through a lot of undisciplined reading. Many seekers after Truth read book after book, but make little or no progress.”
~ HTH, Some Thoughts on Thought.

These lessons of wisdom are about bringing spiritual truths into our physical identities. They are a practical living acknowledgement of who we are and what we are made of. The course is a perfect guide for anyone with a spiritual outlook.

HTH was essentially a spiritual warrior and a practical mystic.  These sessions outline the inner knowledge, wisdom  and the quest for spiritual truth that he demonstrated in his life. His work was a message of love, not as a sentimental feeling, but as the living of an intensely practical and useful life.  

These lessons include The Silence, Faith, Infinite Power, Wholeness, Transmutation, Manifesting Health, Abundance, Overcoming Fear to name a few

Do not look upon this course as an intellectual study but as a meditation upon Truth, whose object is the awakening of an inward spiritual awareness within the soul.  Truth can never be apprehended by or through the intellect.  Truth transcends the intellect, and when we understand or realise truth, we know in our very soul that which the greatest intellect can never grasp… Therefore, while taking the course, do not study the lessons in the ordinary sense of the word, as you would a textbook of science for if you do, you will never enter into truth. Also, do not expect to find in the course some magic secret, for you will find none.  Instead, realise that what is required is that an inward, spiritual faculty, lying dormant in your soul, has to be aroused, and when it is awakened truth will be apparent in all things and everything will be made plain.  

~ HT Hamblin

About Astra Ferro, Course Facilitator

Patron of the Hamblin Trust and former Chair of Trustees, Astra now works independently as a spiritual counsellor. She is the published author of several spiritual books.

Find out more about Astra’s work on her website:

Astra also offers one-to-one counselling and teaching:

The Hamblin Spiritual Wisdom Course

Based on HT Hamblin’s classic ‘The Way of the Practical Mystic’

£50.00 one-time payment

✓ Over 20 hours of video content, a total of 11 video lessons

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

✓ Course Notes to accompany each video lesson

Includes a copy of the book The Way of the Practical Mystic worth £13.99