How Do Thoughts and Behaviour
Change Reality?
ON ZOOM 7PM - 8:30PM
How do Thoughts and Behaviour Change Reality?
A view from modern science, with Rev Don MacGregor
If you have ever wondered whether science has an answer for the healing power of prayer, or the miracle works of Christ, then join us for another illuminating talk from the Reverend Don MacGregor from his series of talks on God, Consciousness and Science.
In this talk, Don will look at the new science of epigenetics and how our own thoughts, intentions and prayers can change reality. He will then tie this in with the theory of morphic resonance. Never heard of these terms? Join us and all will be revealed. The combination of theory and science provides food for thought about the impact of the works of Christ.
The world is rapidly changing. How do we move Christianity into the 21st century when so much of its doctrine is still heavily influenced by the medieval mentality? Revd Don MacGregor will draw upon insights from emerging scientific perspectives together with wisdom from the world’s spiritual traditions to reach towards a re-imagining of God and the Christ that is meaningful and helpful for today.
Some have said ‘it is now rational to be spiritual.’ What does this tantalising statement mean? Don will flesh out the theory by re-examining some central Christian teachings in the light of the universe as we understand it this century.
Revd Don MacGregor BSc, PGCE, MA is the author of “Blue Sky God: the Evolution of Science and Christianity” and “The Wisdom Series” of books. He has now retired as a vicar and lives in St Davids, Pembrokeshire, West Wales. He has had a career with a number of twists and turns. After gaining his BSc in Ergonomics at Loughborough University, he initially worked as a statistician in the National Health Service. Then he retrained as a teacher, and taught Science in a secondary school in Leicester for 13 years. During that time he was involved politically in the Green movement, and studied the Perennial Wisdom philosophy and other esoteric subjects.
He then became involved with Christianity and went into the ordained ministry in the Church of England, gaining an MA in Theology.
He worked in churches in Birmingham and Leicester, then returned to Loughborough University as chaplain for 6 years, before moving to West Wales in 2004, ending up being the ministry team leader for 15 churches! His Christian journey has moved from evangelical and charismatic to mystical and esoteric with aspects of contemporary holistic spirituality, and an emphasis on meditation and contemplative prayer. His other roles have included spiritual director, new religious movements officer, and interfaith officer. He is an active member of CANA (Christians Awakening to a New Awareness) and PCN (Progressive Christian Network).
As well as being immersed in Christian theology, Don has also been a long-time student of the Perennial Wisdom teachings, which can be seen as an underground stream of wisdom running through all healthy spirituality. It has emerged in many different situations, usually through an enlightened teacher, taking on the cultural and contexual expression of the time and location. The current spiritual climate is such that this esoteric teaching can now be brought into the open and become exoteric. His aim is to reinterpret Christian theology in this light, incorporating cutting edge scientific revelations as well.
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